Creative coaching

Reignite your creativity, clarify your purpose, and nurture your personal brand. Too often, we creatives find ourselves stuck in ruts, battling burnout, and feeling lost amidst the noise. It's not just about building a successful brand; it's about remembering the person behind the brand and ensuring their happiness matches their success. As a creative coach, I help you align your business goals with your personal goals, bringing out your unique essence and creating a personalized journey to nurture your creativity and well-being.

Are you ready for a creative revolution for your business?

My 4-week personalized Creative Coaching Program is designed to help you reignite your creativity, clarify your purpose, and align your personal brand with your unique essence.

In Week One, we’ll reignite your creativity. Together, we’ll kindle the spark of your imagination and rediscover your creative power, helping you break free from the ruts that have been holding you back.

Week Two is all about clarifying your purpose. We’ll delve deep into your 'why', aligning it with your personal and business goals to ensure every step you take is a step in the right direction.

Week Three focuses on personal brand alignment. We’ll work to ensure your brand authentically reflects your unique essence, making it truly yours and resonating with your audience in a way that only you can.

Finally, in Week Four, we’ll create your personalized journey. We’ll map out a tailored plan to nurture your creativity and well-being, ensuring a healthy balance between your business and personal life.

The investment for the 4-week personalized Creative Coaching Program is $550. This includes four weekly 1-2 hour video calls, personalized resources, exercises, writing prompts, guides, and WhatsApp support (Mon-Friday).

Please fill out the form below, and I will contact you to book a discovery call.

This program is for you if you …

Are you constantly struggling to come up with innovative ideas?

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of maintaining a personal brand?

Experiencing burnout from the relentless pace of the creative industry?

Are you having trouble aligning your personal goals with your business or brand goals?

Do you feel disconnected from your audience or unsure how to genuinely engage with them?

Dealing with creative blocks and struggling to find inspiration?

Lacking clear direction or purpose in your creative pursuits?

Price Guidelines

The investment for the 4-week personalized Creative Coaching Program is $550. This includes four weekly 1-2 hour video calls, personalized resources, exercises, writing prompts, guides, and WhatsApp support (Mon-Friday).

Please fill out the form here, and I will contact you to book a discovery call.

*payment plans and work trades are available*

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